2019-Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Multigene Real Time PCR Kit


Catalogue No Description Pack Size Price
910502 Multigene Real Time PCR Kit 96 rxn $1440
910504 Multigene Real Time PCR Kit 200 rxn $3000
910506 Multigene Real Time PCR Kit 500 rxn $6500

Compatibility with Real Time PCR systems

⦁ When using the kit, follow the manufacturer’s manual for the cycler. The list of cyclers on which the kits performance parameters have been tested is available on request.
⦁ ABI – QuantStudio / StepOnePlus / 7500 Fast & 7500.
⦁ Roche – LightCycler 480.
⦁ QIAGEN – Rotor-Gene 6000 / Q.
⦁ DNA Technology – DTprime / DTlite
⦁ Compatible with RNA extraction kits with protocols for respiratory specimen

SKU: 910502 Category:

The oligonucleotide primers and probes for specific detection of SARS-CoV-2 are selected from regions of Open Reading Frame 1ab (ORF1ab) and the nucleocapsid gene (N) of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. The kit includes primers/probes that are specific for the ORF1ab gene (probe labeled with FAM) and N gene (probe labeled with VIC) of SARS-CoV-2. In addition, the kit also contains primers and a probe (labeled with CY5) for the human RNase P gene as an endogenous internal control for specimen integrity, nucleic acid isolation, amplification and detection.
RNA isolated and purified from upper and lower respiratory tract specimens is reverse transcribed to cDNA and amplified in a Real-time PCR instrument using one-step Master Mix. Probes consist of a reporter dye at the 5’ end and quenching dye at the 3’ end. The fluorescent signals emitted from the reporter dye are absorbed by the quencher. During PCR amplification, probes hybridized to amplified templates are degraded by the Taq DNA polymerase with 5’-3’ exonuclease activity, thereby separating the reporter dye and quencher and generating fluorescent signals that increase with each cycle. The PCR instrument automatically draws a real-time amplification curve for each optical channel based on the signal change and calculates cycle threshold (Ct) values (the point at which fluorescence is detectable above background) that are interpreted by the operator to determine the presence/absence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA.


⦁ Multigene detection – N gene and ORF1ab detection in separate Channels.
⦁ Single tube multiplex reaction – detecting N gene and ORF1ab and Internal Control in one tube.
⦁ Highly Specific – primers and probe show 100% homology against over 57,000 COVID-19 sequences from world over currently available on NCBI and GISAID.
⦁ No cross reaction with common human respiratory CoV or MERS.
⦁ Liquid Ready to Use reagents, no reagent preparation (eliminating risks of contamination).
⦁ Complete Kit: Including all components such as Master Mix, Primers, Probes, Positive control, Negative Control.
⦁ Internal Control: Provided in separate vial with option to add during the extraction to check for possible PCR inhibition.
⦁ Sample Volume – Requires only 7 μL of purified RNA sample.
⦁ UDG Enzyme and dUTP in the Master Mix to prevent the reamplification of carryover PCR products between reactions.
⦁ Sensitivity for N gene and ORF1ab – 100 Copies/ml.
⦁ IVD, CE-Marked.


Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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