Quality Policy

Home Quality Policy

SYSTAAQ is committed through its quality policy, to meet product and customer requirements, to maintain and where possible continually improve its product and service quality within the requirements of the ISO 13485 standards at all times. Quality objectives established to meet the quality policy are continually reviewed to ensure that they are suitable for meeting the quality policy and are communicated, as appropriate, throughout the organization.

Management ensures that all personnel are aware of, understand, and comply with the Quality Policy through activities such as meetings, displays and training.

The Quality Policy shall be integrated and implemented throughout all business / quality management system processes of the SYSTAAQ organization. Active involvement and contribution toward maintenance of the Quality Policy will be taken by the entire organization. The Quality Policy is periodically reviewed within the framework of management reviews to ensure its continued relevance and suitability.

The SDP Quality Policy is:
“The quality policy of SYSTAAQ is to ensure conformance to customer and regulatory requirements and deliver products that consistently meet or exceed their expectations by fully meeting the requirements of the ISO 13485:2016 standard. All SYSTAAQ employees are directly responsible for meeting the objectives of the quality policy and are encouraged to seek ways to continually improve the process by monitoring and maintaining the effectiveness of our quality management system.”